BY Ifthekhar Shojib
eye sign on eastern part of the world has whole new level of meaning and values, there are lots of breeds on Asian highfliers and each has a distinct coloring, pattern and layout on its eye making eye-sign a open book to learn what strain are there on the bird, even on cross breeds fanciers are able to diagnose the bloodlines mixed and thus can anticipate the birds nature and abilities which have been proven successful.
Secondly like u know, each layer of eye has different roles, fanciers thus consider different layers on their own, the fact is it all depends on what do you want to do with this bird, do you wish to fly it or breed with it.
Dominance of some pure strain on the bird is a plus point on breeding and this can also be traced out by observing eye sign.
odd eyes or miss-marks are usually put on flying stock so the genes do not appear again on the next generations, eye-sign is also an index of performance as highfliers are the fliers of extreme height and fly mostly at a level that can not be seen by human eye.. thus the bird should have a very sharp eye sight that enables it to keep track of the home and where it really is, even when the bird is at extreme height.
Eye sign in pigeons refers to observable characteristics of a bird's eyes. Breeders use eye sign as an indication of quality in pigeons when selecting for breeding. However, eye sign is controversial. Some swear by it while others call it superstition. Regardless, it remains an important subject for pigeon fanciers to understand.
Although toss tippler return probability depands on blood but there is some eye sign also.
1- Examine the bird's pupils. The pupil should be totally black, and either round or slightly oval. There should be no milkiness over the pupil.
2- Identify the ring just around the pupil, which is actually the muscle that contracts the pupil. It is called the Circle of Adaptation, and it can vary considerably in width from bird to bird. A wide Circle of Adaptation is desirable. The color of this region should be green or greenish-black.
3- Locate the next ring out, called the Circle of Correlation. It is made up of connective tissue that attaches the muscle around the pupil to the iris. This ring can appear in many colors, but the favorites for breeders are violet and white. These birds are thought to make the best breeding stock.
4- Look at the iris, which is the next ring out. The function of the iris is to protect the retina from over exposure to light, which it does by virtue of its dark pigment. Thus the iris should show a lot of depth and a richness of color.
5- Find the next ring out from the iris, which is called the Circle of Health. This ring is believed to be important in the blood supply to the eye, and as such is an indicator of overall condition. It should show a dark, rich color.
Eyes is important part of birds/animals. It's very difficult & important part. But in my point of view Pigeons Eyes knowledge for pigeons fanciers is the most important.
Eyes is the Mother of map to indication of quality in pigeons know blood line, intelligence
Breeding and Toss Tipplers Eyes.
For toss tipplers breeding pigeon eyes sign and toss pigeon eyes sign is
little different because toss tippler are modified breed not pure
breed.so we should to choose breeding eyes 4 make pair.
1)toss tippler eye sign for breeding.
2)toss tipplers eye sign for toss .
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Here are some more desirable modified tippler eyes
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