History of Bangladesh Pigeon
By Ifthekhar Shojib
By Ifthekhar Shojib
We modified our pigeon for batter result. Every country have different pure and modified breed. Our tipplers/high flyers come form rock pigeon.
Domestic breeds are believed to have been developed during the Crusades, when the Muslims frequently used courier pigeons. Raising pigeons was a prestigious hobby that had a cachet acquired from the bird's association with the Mogul rulers who had introduced it into the Indian sub-continent. Pigeons we had around 1400 AD were plain tumblers that could fly less hours, later the Mughals' imported thousands of Iranian highfliers and crossed them into their breeds, the result was highfliers that could tumble.. the old fanciers enjoyed this hobby. later tumbling act was bred out from them.
In 15th century few high flyers brought by "manshingo" leader of mughole sepoy as a gift 4 Bangladeshi land lord "ishakha" in Shonargaon, Narayan gonj. Those was futki and napta sobuj gola breeds that could fly fast and would fly from young. In 1678 again high flyers brought by prince muhammed azam during his 15 month long vice royalty of Bengal. he brought those birds beside buriganga river the south western part of dacca,bengal.in 1680 he was recalled by his brother mughol emperor Aurangzeb. then his successor shaista khan kept those birds in lalbagkella.in 1688 when shaista khan left Bengal, some of Bengal sepoy kept different breeds highflyer with them. After that local people modify those birds and make Bangladeshi modified breeds.
Breed like banka (nil chokar sobuj gola), tedy(kalo gola),aliwaly all decedents of rampuri shahsire. Later in Rampur many breeds were made from this shahsire cross as a result more then 8 types of kalsira(kalogola) were made from the tight colored ones to those which has white dots on ears some has flower mark on beaks.
In the same era blue bar the hare was also famous. some claim that this color is the actual original bird of our Indian subcontinent, breeds like shajahan puri hare was a bird of peak interest and won
many games then of course it was moughals who made this breed, also the bird has round shaped medium head small beak, broad chest and blue bar color, slowly starter a flight and takes up to as
they get older performance increase.
Some local Bangladeshi Tippler breed (raw/mifified)

There is a variety of SHOBUJ GOLA breed pigeons
in Bangladesh. Pigeon masters say SHOBUJ GOLA is one of the RAW materials for
modifying TOSS TIPLER PIGEON. According to many pigeon masters this breed
originated from "JIRA GOLA, SAFCHILA, and BHAGHA". Its beak and nails
should be black. Color of the neck is dark green, surrounded from head until
belly. Wing feather can be white or black. Tail feather can be black or white.
Some masters claim that its tail feather must be black. There are different
types of eyes of SHOBUJ GOLA breed, blackish and bluish indicate rawness.
Safchila pigeon neck color is blackish green or blackish
purple. And it surrounded from head until belly, wings feathers are black. Its
beak and nails will be black, legs will be wide and long and leg color will be
dark red; most of the time its wing feathers are black. Its back feathers have
blackish spots; its tail always will be black
gola breeds tail is black because, Safchila pigeon is the breed father of sabuj
gola breed. Safchila breed has different types of eyes although yellow,
blackish and bluish is from raw breed. This breed is one of the raw materials
for modified toss tipplers and most of the Bangladeshi pigeon masters use
satchel breed as a breed father of toss tipplers
বাঘা /BAGHA
Bagha is a
raw breed pigeon. Their necks are blackish olive green. This color will
surrounded from head until belly its full body color will be gray, its wings
and tail feathers are deep blackish gray. its beak and nails are deep gray, its
legs has light gray feathers like feather socks ; its back feathers have fully
gray blackish spot like fish scalp.
Bagha breed is also breed
father of Sabuj gola breed. Bagha breed has different types of eyes although
black and gray is from raw breed. This breed is one of the raw materials for
modified toss tipplers
There are different types
of bagha breed pigeon absan (silver) bagha and kala (blackish) bagha is famous
for their flying performance.
জিরাগলা /JIRAGOLA
Zira gola is a pure breed pigeon.
This bird’s body feather color should be full white with little black spots on
head and neck area. Most of the time zira gola breed wing feathers are white
but some special breed wings feather will black. Its tail feather will black,
white or mixed based on birds blood line. This birds beak and nail color should
be black, white or mixed depends on bird’s body color.
There are four kinds of eyes in zira gola pure breed, like blackish, bluish, stone white and yellow. Few pigeon masters claim some exceptional zira gola breed has red and orange eyes; those are best for flying and toss.
There are four kinds of eyes in zira gola pure breed, like blackish, bluish, stone white and yellow. Few pigeon masters claim some exceptional zira gola breed has red and orange eyes; those are best for flying and toss.
pigeon breeders claim red and orange eyes come from cross breed. When blackish
and bluish zira gola breed made pair with yellow eyes zira gola bird, then red
and orange eyes come to new generation. The orange and red eyes new breed
should considered as hot headed bird for toss.
Khaki is a raw breed pigeon. Their necks are gray color. This color will
surrounded from head until belly. Its full body color can be gray or white
both, its wings and tail feather will be gray color. Its beak and nails will
deep blackish gray.
Its eyes are gray, yellow or blackish. Few pigeon masters claim some
exceptional Khaki breed has red and orange eyes; those are best for flying and
toss. Few pigeon masters claim when pure khaki breed mixed with other breeds
(safchila, bagha, and sabuj gola and zira gola) then red and orange eyes come
to new generation. Their opinion is “pure khaki breed eyes should be bluish
gray or blackish gray like birds color. Red and orange eyes come from cross
breed. When blackish and bluish Khaki breed made pair with yellow eyes Khaki
bird, then red and orange eyes come to new generation” the orange and red eyes
new breed should considered as hot headed bird for toss although they are very
good for flying.
There are different types of khaki breed pigeon. Bagha khaki, dudh
khaki, shurma khaki is famous for their flying performance.
I am shocked and happy at the same time very proud of these bangladeshi pigeons.I also breed tippler/high flying pigeons for nearly 19years.I took part in competitions and even came 1st place 2013.I live in Greater Manchester,England. if anybody wants to get in touch here my email anwar.83@hotmail.co.uk
Thank you for your comment mr. anwar. you can visite our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tippler-Pigeon-loft/100531903408944?ref=hl
for some latest Bangladeshi modified tippler/high-flyers...
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